Edit Control Point Properties
The Edit/Properties function allows you to create a new control point.
Point Number
Click on the point to which the control should be attached, or type in the point number.
The current coordinates of the point will then be displayed
Enter the Name of the Control Point.
If the “Master File” option is to be used, be careful that the name of each control point is
exactly the same as its name in the Control Point Master File.

Every point must have an Easting (X) value, and it must be on the same datum and zone as
the other control points in the job.
Every point must have a Northing (Y) value, and it must be on the same datum and zone as
the other control points in the job.
The height (Z) value for the point is optional.
If a point has no height value, this field will be blank.
The adjustment uses the value of the nearest control point to compute the height
above sea level correction for parcel lines.
If there are no control point heights, it is assumed that this correction need not apply
Horizontal Accuracy
The horizontal accuracy field is not used by the adjustment at this stage as all active
control points are assumed to be fixed points.
Vertical Accuracy
The vertical accuracy field is not used by the adjustment at this stage as all active
control points are assumed to be fixed points.
Tick this box to make the control point 'Active' - it will be used in the Control Points
Listing Fit and also in the Adjustment.
Control Points that are not 'Active' are allowed to change co-ordinates or 'float'.
Extra Attributes
Press this button to display and edit the Extra Attributes for the control Point.